Monday, February 25, 2013

3,9 (the dominipede is just one BIG lie, conspiracy angle, final plea)

The dominipede is just one big lie, nothing more, nothing less

(Close from the part I narrative perspective - original voice).

The entire concept of the dominipede is based on a simple premise - spreading a lie.  Is it reasonable to hold a foreign or domestic terrorist, someone acting with sinister intent, to a higher standard than others who lie...  Not a good idea when your entire culture seems to thrive on deception, misrepresentation, cheating, lying.  Most people lie because it's an easier way to obtain and maintain power.  Power and lying too often go hand in hand.  And what's weirder, the general public seems to really "get off" on exposing them.  You can sum it up in one word - GOTCHA!  The dominipede is a stiff price to pay for that one "Gotcha" moment.

GOP Rep. to Obama: 'You Lie!' (You lie! Rep. Joe Wilson - SC)
:10 - :19

If you think about it, all of society's just more institutionally ingrained.  Gambling is illegal... unless it's church bingo and casinos, powerball and scratch off tickets.  Drugs are illegal... unless they're sold by Pfizer or Astra Zeneca.  Loan sharking is illegal... unless it's Goldman Sachs or Bank of America.  And the world's oldest profession (prostitution)is illegal... unless "you put a ring on it." (Beyonce)

audio: Neil Young "Needle and the damage done" - Live Rust

video uploading issues

Lance Armstrong - Doper, Liar, Cheater: Did Armstrong's PR Move Backfire?
1:25 - 1:35

Bill Belichick - Spygate (wearing hoodie)

Pete Rose gambling scandal

Mark McGuire - Steroids scandal


audio: Milli Vanilli - Baby, Don't Forget My Number
:55 - 1:04

Beyonce lip sync national anthem

audio - Metallica "Leper Messiah"

Benny Hinn: "Let the bodies hit the floor" - 2 whispers, intro
:04 - :15

Benny Hinn - Let the Bodies hit the floor: Smackdown edition
:59 - 1:06

Benny Hinn - Skywalker (closer)
1:12 - 1:16

Catholic church protecting pedophile priests
Jerry Sandusky morphing into a picture of Pope Ratzinger (with the hat)

audio: The Who - "Won't get fooled again"

The seven dwarves: I believe that nicotine is not addictive
:53 - 1:09

Fraud Bernie Madoff Push by photographer ("don't push me")
:07 - :14

ABC News - Martha Stewart Indicted (This case is about lying, lying to the FBI, lying to the SEC)
1:12 - 1:20

audio: Fleetwood Mac - "Little Lies"

Bill Clinton - I did not have sexual relations with that woman
:17 - :21

John Edwards Admits Affair
:00 - :12

Raw Video: N.Y. Rep Weiner's Anti-GOP Rant ("It is a shame... a shame)
:56 - :59

South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford Admits Affair
:00 - :05

South Carolina governor's Marc Sanford claimed to be hiking the Appalachian Trail.  A good friend of  mine actually hiked the entire Appalachian trail.  It took him 13 months. (Pic of Ken Dague)

"I'll be back" Arnold Schwarzenegger
:00 - :03

Anthony Weiner, Gary Hart, David Petreaus

In politics & war:
audio: NIN - "Terrible Lie"

Richard Nixon - I'm not a crook
:30 - :31

Telling Lies - Reagan (arms for hostages)
:24 - :35
:16 - :22

George H. W. Bush - Read my lips
:08 - :14 ("Read my Lips.  No New Taxes")

George Bush 16 Words - Sought Significant Quantities of Uranium From Africa
0:00 - :10

Dead Wrong: Colin Powell's UN Speech ("What we're giving you is facts and evidence based on solid intelligence")
1:52 - 1:57

As you can see, the good 'ol USA sure loves it's lies.

I'll leave you with one final thought.  I'm not inclined to speculate on the infamous "who dunnit" question.  But in the case of a dominipede accomplished through a viral blitzkrieg, you'll have the biggest conspiracy the planet has ever seen.  Because everyone would have been in on it and you'll never be able to adequately punish the guilty parties.  The scale and scope of justice would be rendered a futile, worthless concept.  Imagine the notion of trying to file wanton, reckless endangerment charges against individuals who had not only had no malicious intent, but no understanding of what the hell was even going on in the first place.  That's a strong premise for the greatest conspiracy of all time. 

The Shawshank Redemption - The tunnel
:00 - :11 (This is one big conspiracy... and everyone's in on it)

Like I've been saying from the git-go, the only way to solve this problem is to admit that it exists.  I tried to tell my own congressional Representative David McKinley.  He lives about a 1/2 mile from my house.  Even though I mailed it to his home address.  He never got it.  Even though I confronted him and handed him the same literature a second time - still no response.  I just hope he gets this DVD, like everyone else did.  If not, I'll make an extra copy just in case... but I won't be holding my breath... well unless of course, I get caught up in a stampede.

So here's what am I asking of you: As long as there's a 1st amendment.  As long as there's freedom of speech...  Just talk to people about the issues I've raised.  Tell them what I've said.  Tell them about the dominipede.  After all...

"Freedom is the right to tell people what they do not want to hear." - George Orwell

3,8 (other examples of an AGS)

Once again, I must reiterate... Is it acceptable for some people to die, in order for there to be change?  Sadly enough, and I hate to admit this, maybe an isolated artificially generated stampede is what must happen for there to be change.  But the dominipede is not an acceptable outcome.

Even after all of this, you might be thinking... Well, I've never seen an artificially generated stampede.  I still need more evidence.  Well, think about this... somewhere an AGS is happening right now... just as you're watching this documentary.  Fear and greed are 2 emotions that will always dominate the financial markets. 

The Great 1929 Wall Street Stock Market Crash (panicked wall street traders)
6:28 - 6:41

MGEX - The final minute of trading in the pits, forever (small group of traders)
:25 - :38

CBOT Trading Soybean market pit trading (good phone ring at the beginning)
1:12 - 1:26

I thought soybeans were supposed to be good for you.  Perhaps not the future of soybeans.

Opening Bell at the MGEX Trading Floor (good reaction footage of shushing segueing into the bell)
:50 - :54

Maybe you need something bigger...

The Best Flash Mob Ever in NYC
3:14 - 3:25 (flashlight battle in Central Park)

Good thing those flashlights aren't cell phones.

Will I Am Blackberry commercial - put your cellphones up in the air
1:03 - 1:16

3,7 (parallels to forest fire prevention campaigns)

There are some fascinating, eerie parallels to the "Only you can prevent Forest Fire campaigns" of the 1940's, the longest, currently running public awareness campaign in the history of the United States.  Back in the 40's, I'm sure there were many high level conversations about the catch 22 - "What if by putting this out there, people intentionally start setting fires.  What if the public relations campaign does more harm than good.  What if it backfires on us?"  These same questions will surely surface.  You can learn a lot from the past.

Sidenote - Although ultimately unsuccessful, forest fires were viewed as a weapon by the Japanese in the Oregon Lookout Raids of 1942.  Japanese forces dropped bombs with the alleged intention of spreading wildfires, but the fires were held under control.  This attack was the first and only time the continental US was bombed by an enemy aircraft.... until 9/11.  Just goes to show you that one persons awareness campaign and attempt to educate the public is another persons potential weapon of mass destruction.  Even in the world of asymmetrical warfare, there's still a balance and symmetry.

And one could reasonably argue that the moral questions raised by the issues of forest fires are STILL in play.  Because once there's an official acknowledgment of the problem...

Video uploading difficulty

The K-mans name revealed
"The cat... "rearrhhhh" is outta the bag" (Kramer's name revealed)

3,6 (government repsonse plan to an AGS (general mitigation strategy)

(replace the crown with a "no cell phone" image)

"KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON." - 1939, during World War II - England designed a public relations campaign in an attempt to assuage civilian fears should a German invasion occur.

The second authorities get wind of a "mass bomb threat hoax" - the image could be shown in the corner of a jumbotron.  Once again, I must emphasize... this matter will eventually have to be addressed.  Why not be proactive?  Why sit idly by, waiting helplessly, for a potential 9/11-scale tragedy to unfold.  The choice is yours.  The good news... it costs nothing.  There are no aircraft carriers, no military bases, no weapons.  The problem is solved through knowledge and awareness.  The big choice you have to make...  Do we solve the problem BEFORE... or AFTER?

3,5 (strategies to combat the AGS - general awareness campaign)

It's peculiar that I would suggest greater govt. involvement to solve the AGS/dominpede problem.  More of the catch-22, I suppose.  But that's exactly what I'm calling for.  So here are my suggestions to combat the AGS.  As I've alluded to, it all starts with awareness. 

First, you'll need an all encompassing strategy to deal with the societal problem.  Not every large gathering has a sophisticated and timely public address system or massive jumbotrons...

So I would suggest something very simple.


Before You Run

This awareness campaign should be as simple and direct as possible.  Much like "Stop, drop and roll" or "Just Say No."

3,4 (government response following a dominipede)


This documentary is admittedly very U.S.-centric.  I needed to give it a regional context and bring my own life experiences into the equation.  But yes, I am cognizant of the notion that an AGS or dominipede could very well occur outside the U.S.  Similar events (text induced panics) have already transpired in many nations.  This isn't a new phenomenon by any means which makes it all the more frustrating.

Post-dominipede, I would predict an enormous upheaval within the U.S. govt., basically because you cannot use the excuse of bureaucracy as a shield.  Nor is it wise to plead complete ignorance.  The existence of this documentary and the manner in which it was submitted should be sufficient in exposing an unacceptable level of incompetence.  It is intentionally designed to expose the deniability of the "how could we have known" argument across the board.  If you think about it, there are some eerie overtones very similar to the Bin Laden "determined to strike in America" memo. 

An accidental side-benefit to the creation a documentary, assuming it's accurate, is that it will likely expose some of our leaders as self-serving cowards.  If you're aware of the existence of this documentary and are afraid or unwilling to admit it, that's bad.  But even worse, if you did view it and purposely deny ever having watched it, that really speaks volumes.  Because it directly infers that you're more concerned with political survival and your own selfish interests, rather than the safety of your constituents and welfare of the American people.  The American public deserves bold and brave leaders, not just those who can buy the office seeking self-aggrandizement and accumulation of power for its own sake.

If the dominipede happens in the near future, I would predict immediate resignations or firings of the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, the Chairman of the FCC and possibly the Director of the FBI.  Presidential impeachment proceedings based on the blatant level of inaction would likely be part of the mix as the politics of division would quickly emerge front and center.  Don't forget Rahm Emmanuel's motto "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste."  This would become the rallying cry of the minority party.  Kind of ironic (if it happens during an Obama administration) that it would potentially come full circle based upon the words of the mayor of Chicago.

I'll even go one step further with the predictions.  Obviously, lawsuits would likely be lobbied against the govt. and I think such a class-action case would be fast tracked straight to the Supreme Court.  My hunch is that the court would dismiss such a class-action suit.   They would rule that an AGS or dominipede was an event too hypothetical in nature.  You cannot hold the federal govt. accountable for every foreseeable tragedy that MIGHT happen.  And too place that high a burden of safety upon the federal govt. is an unreasonable expectation.  Just thought I'd throw that in there because it would take a long time to resolve this mess.  

And I'm well aware of the notion that someone might use the mere existence of this documentary as a political weapon to undermine the current administration, largely due to the lose-lose proposition.  When exposed to this information, from a political standpoint, there's very little upside.  You're either accused of unnecessary fear-mongering, an elitist stance (the general population is too stupid to know the difference between a real bomb threat and a hoax - the president must think the general population is really stupid) or just blatant incompetence.  Either way, if  you acknowledge the AGS and it unfolds on your watch... you own it.  Your administration takes the blame.

This was only intended to be viewed by members of Congress.  But I'm not naive.  I imagine it could be used to further the agenda of the party not currently in power.  If it's used to establish temporary leverage, I can live with that.  Judging from history, the pendulum will probably swing back.  This is not about partisan politics.  This is about saving lives and preventing a worst case scenario catastrophe.

In the event of the dominipede, you'll likely hear 1 of 3 govt. narratives. 

Plan A. - (likely) That a plan to combat the AGS was in the formative stages of being developed.  My participation in the matter created problems and hindered the eventual implementation and/or solution.  To discuss these matters openly would be a violation of existing cybersecurity laws designed to protect the general public.  Basically, it's the age-old defense - we can't show you "our hand" let alone "our cards."  It's simply a matter of national security. 


Plan B. - The govt. had a "secret plan" in place to mitigate the dominipede, but my actions directly compromised it.  I doubt the U.S. govt. would explore this avenue in the aftermath of a dominipede because not only would it reek of desperation, the media would be morally compelled to closely examine and try to discredit it.  Public distrust of the federal govt. would likely be at a "fever pitch" in the aftermath of a dominipede.  To take an absolutist approach to such a complex, overreaching problem wouldn't make a whole lot of sense.


Plan C. - The govt. is NOT negligent because nobody could have ever fathomed of such an "X" event.  However, with it being public knowledge that the entire US Congress was sent this DVD, that might be a really tough sell.

I'm also aware that a dominipede would force the federal govt to resolve other key issues:

* States vs. Federal rights when it comes to large scale, heavily populated events.  Does the federal govt have the direct authority to evacuate an area and supersede the judgement of an incident commander on the ground?  Specifically, who has the authority to make these decisions.

* What exactly constitutes a credible threat.  Under what circumstances does the federal govt have the authority to directly contact its citizens through cellular devices.  How fast can they do it, to how many people, in how big an area.

* Is there a line in the sand between dangerous free speech and dangerous hypothetical free speech?  Are there certain national security issues that can never be openly discussed?

3,3 - (What if I'm wrong)

Another good question to ask... What if I'm wrong about all of this?  Well...

You'd have to convince me that the concept of an artificially generated stampede has NEVER been raised in govt.  We know this to be false because I have tangible evidence.  The correct answer - of course it has been raised.  But nobody can act to solve the problem because that would require acknowledging the existence OF the problem.  And if you acknowledge it, you own it.  If it happens on your watch, it's your fault.  It's all part of the catch 22. 

What if the U.S. govt has a plan in place to counteract the viral blitzkrieg and the dominipede?  Well... you'd have to convince me that they conduct real-time, universal monitoring of every text message, every phone call, every form of communication.  And you'd have to convince me that this secret counter-program extends to every ballpark, every megachurch, every county fair, every arena for every event.  Anywhere and anytime a large crowd congregates.   And there are trained communications experts everywhere that have the magical ability to calm large crowds OR have the autonomy to instantly shut down the entire internet and telecommunications industry.  With one giant kill switch.  If such a program exists... or is currently being implemented... or is even under remote consideration, than we are truly a doomed nation.

Do I fear reprisal?  Good question.  In an ideal world, if I could convey that I am not driven by financial motivation, that should be enough.  But if you piss off the U.S. govt or try to demonstrate a degree of superempowerment as is the case with most whistleblowers, I think it's a safe assumption that you will encounter some blowback.  Being the most visible person to have made an issue of this, I'd expect to be attacked and discredited.  All the usual routes I've previously touched on. Whenever you suggest a bold course of action, that's to be expected.  By raising the issue, it could endanger the authority and control of the current administration.  Especially if you're proven correct and the most powerful force on the planet, the U.S. government, is viewed as culpable and negligent.  It's yet another facet of the unusual catch-22.  I've always had this weird premonition that if I came to be viewed as the most despised person on the planet, I could probably handle it a little better than most.  I can handle all the accusations and vitriol, just don't lecture me on not knowing how humanity works.  Don't call me naive.  Don't label me a fool.  Other than death or imprisonment, that's the only way you really could hurt me.

3,2 - (suspected govt. reaction to me, demonization campaign, manifesto)

What would happen to me in the event of the dominipede?  I imagine there are 2 likely scenarios.  I'll likely wind up dead or incarcerated by the federal govt. based on some kind of conspiracy to make mass terroristic threats.  I can accept this.  Sometimes, in order to safeguard the lives of others, one must place their own life in jeopardy.  But regardless, dead or alive, I would become the target of one of the most aggressive smear campaigns ever conceived.  This would be consistent with past occurrences where govt. shifts the blame in order to strengthen the case for collective deniability.  When the truth becomes unpleasant or inconvenient... when the federal govt. and top officials feel threatened, it's likely they'll pursue an agenda focused on survival.

As I've stated, heaping the blame for all this one me, at least temporarily, seems like a probable course of action for the U.S. govt.  However, with the existence, knowledge and exposure of this documentary to the entire U.S. Congress, that should prove unusually difficult.  Still, I would anticipate a very hostile smear campaign.  A narrative will quickly emerge.  You'll hear words like atheist, home-grown terrorist, not married, childless, mentally ill, loner, recluse, or possibly just the opposite - had an obsession with being a hero, required vindication.  Phrases like criminal history, troubled childhood, thief, vandal, gambler, a history of drug and alcohol abuse, angry, bitter, malcontent.   "Person of interest" just won't cut it.  You might hear that he was obsessed with stampedes and must have wanted it to happen just so he could say "I told you so."  Unfortunately, I just have to be willing to accept this one.  And I have.  It comes with the territory.  It's all part of the catch 22. 

So be it.  The dominipede is NOT about me, it's about an honest recognition of societal fundamentals and morally adapting to the directional future of humanity.

In the event of an AGS or worst case scenario dominipede, I'll never be able to convince some people that this whole thing wasn't my fault.  I can't even fathom the demonization campaign (especially considering the timeline of this documentary and its content).  I think most people would be expecting to see some kind of deranged manifesto.  But my thoughts and writings are a lot more difficult to manage.  After all, I wrote a book about all of this.  And I wrote a blog with about 500 hundred entries since 2005.  So there's a lot to sift through I guess.  You'll have to make your own determination.  I just ask that it's base your judgement on the entirety of my writings, not a 10 second snippet from the mainstream media.  Unfortunately, in the event of the dominipede, I hardly think I'll get the benefit of the doubt.  Hopefully, the seriousness of this documentary will help my cause.

When I started all of this, I knew there was an overwhelming possibility that my efforts would end in failure.  I gave it all I could, but in the end it was just too tall an order.  Even with the distribution of the documentary to every sitting member of Congress, I still think this issue will not see the light of day.  It might be talked about behind closed doors, but my hunch is that NOTHING will be done until AFTER a tragedy takes place.  This mindset needs to change.  Humanity has to change.

I used to think of my opposition in terms of the U.S. government.  Trying to superempower myself and devising an unusual method to coerce them into complying with my vision for protecting innocent lives.  But the more deeply I became involved, the more I began to realize that the U.S. govt. wasn't really my sole opposition.  They were just more of an instrument.  My opponents were much stronger intangibles.  Pride, fear, greed, paranoia, intransigence, the status quo, inevitability.  As if the U.S. govt wasn't a big enough enemy to pick a fight with... LOL.

I did everything to the best of my abilities.  I tried to do the best I could with the circumstances and the hand I was dealt.  Could I have done some things better?  Of course. 

If you want a brief manifesto - you can use this... (OR totally refute the notion of a manifesto - you'll have to expend a little effort).

From the start, I've been adamant that at some point an AGS will occur.  I know this based on common sense.  That's what makes it so frustrating when nothing is being done about it.  This whole thing is unusually complex but it all can be summed up in a sentence or two.  A couple years ago, I concluded the general public had a right to know that if they receive a threat or panic inducing message on their cell phones while in a crowded setting, there's a very strong possibility the "threat" is fictitious.  It's almost surely a hoax designed to create a stampede.  In a pre-AGS world, the people simply don't know this.  They have a fundamental human right to be afforded this knowledge.  The individuals who were injured or died deserve better, whether it be 1 person or 1,000.

The federal government is aware of the potential for a dominipede and refuses to adequately protect its citizenry.  In this case, providing them with vital information and situational awareness.

3,1 - the future (dominipede has occurred, statement & apology)


I.  Despite my effort to raise awareness, an artificially generated stampede has occurred.  People are immediately going to ask the questions, "Why did this happen?  Why couldn't it have been prevented?"  That's probably why you're watching this documentary.  I am not a religious person. The world has enough people that pray their lives away.  Still, I'll offer a prayer, not to a God or some deity or anything like that, but more a prayer for the sake of humanity... I'll pray that it wasn't the dominipede...  Unfortunately, every hunch, every fiber of my being tells me that it was - based on all the factors I've outlined, but especially the malicious intent progression and the generational warfare arguments regarding OODA loops, ease of transaction costs and significant rate of return. 

Considering that we're talking about an event along the scale of 9/11, I think it's important to make a few predictions of how everything would unfold in the aftermath of the dominipede.  Please realize that just being able to comprehend that there would one day be an AGS is NOT in itself some kind of extraordinary achievement.  It was purely common sense.  That's what makes this whole thing particularly frustrating.  Everyone acknowledging the inevitability but refusing to act because it would be a break from conventional norms.

So I guess it all comes down to this.  History will likely show that I was the only one either brave enough, or foolish/stupid enough, to make an issue out of all this.  And in its aftermath, when the retribution issue is raised, another series of questions will be asked.  "Who should be held accountable?  Who do we blame?"  And after the dust settles, "How do we move forward?"

Saf, what if it happens and you get blamed?  After 2 years, I still don't have a satisfactory answer for that one.  All I ask is that everyone explore the real truth.  If you honestly take a look for it, you'll find it.  But it is complex.  You cannot summarize everything in a 15 second news sound-byte.

What if, by raising the issue, you put an idea in someone's head, and they make it happen.  That's a question I often hear.  I can't accept this at face value, because the idea itself could have been conceived by anyone.  The viral blitzkrieg (if that's how it all transpires) is an incredibly generic concept.  There's no sophisticated hack or ingenuous manipulation of text alerts systems.  There's no reliance or breach of top secret documents or classified govt. information.  Although the subject matter is unpleasant, all the points raised are grounded in common sense and readily available for public consumption.  And while the subject is mostly taboo, the knowledge and understanding of the dominipede could be comprehended by an average teenager.  So while this argument might sound reasonable, if you look at it objectively, it falls apart under serious scrutiny.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

2,14 (Experiment #2, call for action)

VIII.    Experiment #2

    A.     Moral imperative to superempower myself and expedite awareness regarding the AGS

    B.     Text of letter to Congress   

Decision to do something nobody has ever done.  Hold a private movie premiere with every member of Congress.  On June X, I sent a Dominipede DVD to all 535 members of Congress.  We'll see what happens.  I will encourage them to take this issue directly to the President and implore him to take immediate action through executive order.  People are often more compelled to act when they hear their own words.

video footage from Barack Obama's 2nd Inaugural speech (1-21-13)

But we have always understood that when times change, so must we; that fidelity to our founding principles requires new responses to new challenges; that preserving our individual freedoms ultimately requires collective action. (6:34 - 6:52)

Progress does not compel us to settle century’s long debates about the role of government for all time, but it does require us to act in our time. (18:20 - 18:33)

For now, decisions are upon us and we cannot afford delay.
(18:37 - 18:41)

If Barack Obama stalls or fails to act, I would implore political leadership to take immediate action within their own states and districts.  Contact stadium and arena management and encourage them to implement a plan of their own.  Everything starts with an awareness of the problem.  An acknowledgment that the problem exists.

2,13 (Experiment #1 - book, meetings, letters, responses, analysis)

V.     Timeline of my personal experiences.  Experiment #1 - so here's what I decided to do.

    A.     Book (Sonofsaf: odd, oh biography)

book cover

published on the internet as a blog entry on 9-2-11

U.S. copyright pic

Laid the groundwork and provided a written, substantive account of what my intentions were.  I wrote and edited it mostly over the 2011 summer.  The book was supposed to be about the AGS, but only one chapter would have made for a boring read, so I chose to embellish it with chapters on art, labor, leisure, music, people, politics, religion, sports and a promotional brochure.  It's just an unusual autobiography filled with bizarre, but true stories.  Easy 3 hour read.  Unlike the majority of writers, I had no interest in trying to profit, so I just threw it up on the internet.  There were also larger, more substantive moral issues regarding its content.

    B.     Meetings w/ Burgoyne & the FBI

(Interview with Burgoyne)

Explanation of meeting with Burgoyne (1-15-12).  Interview.  He told me he wished more people would take an interest in things like this.

Then, I went to the FBI on 2-22-12  (footage of shiny brand new building in a shattered, decrepit downtown Wheeling) and informed the field representative that I would be disseminating my concerns to the DHS, FCC, DOE and university leadership.  He listened but seemed mostly indifferent.  "What do you want me to do about this?" was the question he kept asking.  I asked him "what will you be doing about this?"  He responded, "when this meeting is over, I'll write a report covering our discussion and send it up the chain."  "Can I get a copy?"  His response... no.  I ran into him months later at the annual Ogden 20K and informed him of my progress.  Having just completed a challenging half marathon, he was in a great deal of pain and didn't have much to say.  I would characterize his level of interest as slightly annoyed and somewhat standoffish.  Curt but courteous.

    C.     Letters sent on March 1, 2012 (university leadership, DHS, FCC, DOE)

17 written responses in the time frame of March 1 > April 20, 2012

University of Cincinnati
University of Missouri
Clemson University
University of Virginia *
Virginia Tech *
Rutgers *
Eastern Michigan University *
University of Nebraska *
University of Southern California
San Jose State University *
University of Oregon
University of New Mexico
The Ohio State University
University of Washington *
Duke University
US Army West Point*
University of Georgia

* - denotes the use of my term "Artificially Generated Stampede."

Why would a distinguished, educated individual use the term AGS?  A term he/she was completely unfamiliar with.  The term "artificially generated stampede" is entirely my own.  Chances are they reviewed the material and made a conscious decision to use that term.  Even though no such term officially exists.

Phone calls from various people with a wide range of concerns.  They all seemed concerned regarding the issues I had raised.  They wanted to know what I knew.  It's my opinion that they had never been exposed to the concept of the AGS.

Air Force & Dept. of Education responses

Why would the Superintendent Lt. General specifically praise me for having the "courage to step forward" and bring this matter to his attention?  Likely because, from a military perspective, he understands the negative consequences of potential real world action.

Why did the DOE respond?  It's my contention that this letter was never supposed to have been written, let alone sent. There exists a massive bureaucracy designed to protect those at the highest levels.  Being physically briefed on every hypothetical is not going to happen, because if something unanticipated happens, guess who gets the blame.  Guess which administration would be held accountable.  Guess whose administration just went down the tubes.  Don't underestimate the power of the "Bin Laden determined to strike in America" memo.  The general population didn't handle that too well.  I can guess they'd be even less receptive in the aftermath of the dominipede.  You meant to tell me that everyone knew about this and nobody did ANYTHING???  Not only that, but they were purposely NOT informed.  And it wouldn't have even cost them anything? 

Why the DOE response - probably because they rarely deal with hypothetical national security issues, as does the FBI, FCC and DHS.  Even still, the response was very far down the chain of leadership - certainly an attempt to insulate and/or shield the Secretary from inaction should an AGS occur on his watch.  His official title speaks volumes.

The Dept. of Education does flex its muscle from time to time.  Makes you wonder if they would fine a university in the event of a stampede.  What constitutes the precise amount of time for "warning people in a timely fashion."
CBS news (0:00 - :16)

    D.      Letters sent on April 20, 2012 (university leadership follow-up)

At this juncture, sensing the U.S. govt. would not take a legitimate proactive approach, I omitted them from future correspondence.

7 responses

University of Texas at El Paso
The Ohio State University
Clemson University
US Army West Point*
University of Virginia*
Penn State*
University of Wisconsin*
    E.      Letters sent on May 1, 2012 (ALL NFL owners, Roger Goodell, 6 auto racing reps)

no responses
observations - disappointment, especially in the face of the Atlanta owners meeting.  An exact opposite course of action was set in motion, likely predicated on concerns about money and the fan experience, with no regard for safety.  Talking points from the owners meeting. 

On WiFi fan initiative: 

The initiative is to get WiFi in all of our stadiums both for mobile devices including telephony. We want to make sure fans when they come into our stadiums don’t have to shut down – they can bring their devices. We want them to have access to the same amount of information, have access to our RedZone channel, have access to highlights, and be able to engage in social media including Fantasy Football. When you come to our stadiums, we want to make it a great experience. That is what it is about.

On how much that would cost and how expansive that would be:
That is the trick. We want to put it in all 31 stadiums. We want to make sure the same service is provided and the same technology is there for the fans. The costs vary from the different proposals we have. It is part of the reason we are looking for new technology partners that can help us address what I consider pretty complex problems.

On if it is realistic to expect it to be in for 2012:
No. It is possible we could get a stadium or two stadiums in, but it is a pretty big undertaking.

On if he would want them all to launch at the same time:
Not necessarily. We have talked about a pilot. We have talked about New Orleans – we are in New Orleans this year having the Super Bowl there. That might be a good start. But there are several teams that are very aggressive in this area that have some very good technology available in their stadiums. We are learning from that, and our fans are engaging with it, which is the best news for us.

Currently, there is one stadium operating with comprehensive wifi access.  Gillette Stadium in Foxorough, MA.  Expectations for wifi in all 31 stadiums by 2015 is the current objective.  It's my contention that if you seek to put in place "the wifi-living room experience" for every ticketholder in every NFL stadium, with it comes a moral obligation to warn people of the potential downside.

    F.     Letters sent on June 20, 2012 (to the pool of 30 individuals who responded to my         concerns)

2 responses

Virginia Tech*
The Ohio State University

3rd piece of correspondence from Gordon Gee, President of OSU.  As an overseer of one of the biggest stadiums in the country, I applaud him taking a hands on approach.  The only person to respond to ALL 3 of my letters.

    G.      Letters sent July 10, 2012 (directly elected representatives)

Erikka Storch meeting.  Interview.

Senator Joe Manchin* 
WV Dept. of Military Affairs and Public Safety (Joe Thornton) response


VI.    Observations about my letter writing campaign in its entirety

It took courage and integrity to respond to my letters.  I applaud those who acted professionally as my concerns were difficult to comprehend and virtually impossible to adequately address.  I imagine there were many who wanted to engage, but came to the conclusion that there words might someday come back to haunt them.  They might have surmised it to be a fishing expedition.  And they would have been correct. Please understand - those who decided to respond or contact me are worthy of great respect, not scorn or ridicule.  This is a challenging issue.  And trying to find a reasonable solution, results in other issues surfacing.

VII.     moral imperative to make a documentary
Director of National Center for Sports Safety and Security Lou Marciani initiated contact.  He was unfamiliar with the concept.  He seemed focused on mitigation strategies.  I tried to explain that this wasn't a good overriding strategy.  Unless of course, you can execute that same strategy wherever there's a large crowd - at every rock concert, every state fair, political convention, megachurch, baseball game, arena event, etc.  There is a place for mitigation, but it would have to work in tandem with a larger awareness campaign.  He ultimately told me, "What you did was important.  You did a good job in bringing this matter to everyone's attention.  But in the end he said, "Well, there's only so much you can do.  You can't solve all the world's problems."  He said this because it's incredibly difficult to reprogram human behavior.  And while I agree with that particular notion, it's my contention that we do not have a choice in the matter.  The only moral choice is to be proactive.  We must try.

I refuse to accept a defeatist mindset.  In my mind, the dominipede is an unacceptable outcome along the scale of 9/11.  Therefore, I have chosen to act.  So here's what I have done...

Monday, February 11, 2013

2,12 (dominipede, scenarios, viral blitzkrieg, malicious intent, precedent)

IV.    Theorizing of the Dominipede

Definition - a series of simultaneous human stampedes likely the result of a viral blitzkrieg

        A.  Potential scenarios.  (College, pro, racing facility)

College football stadiums in the East Coast and midwest time zones would be particularly susceptible as there are a large number of overlapping, afternoon major home games.  The Division 1 early schedule is purposely set to take advantage of lesser known opponents in some of the largest stadiums in the more congested parts of the US.  But the 1 pm pro-slate of games represents the greatest concern.  There are usually a minimum of 9 games that directly coincide.  Also, a large scale auto racing event could easily be targeted in conjunction. 

I have very serious reservations with regard to discussing projected injury and casualty figures.  I would encourage you to look at other past stadium stampedes and extrapolate.  Human beings are human beings.  Some countries might have more more money to allocate and a greater preoccupation with public safety, but fear and panic are indigenous to everyone. Newer, professional stadiums are far more dangerous than most older college stadiums.  Much steeper staircases, bolted plastic seats, more amenities and clutter.  Tighter and more secure entrances and exits.  Most outdoor stadiums have spiral, open air rotunda.  This could result in people being forcibly lifted over the ledges and falling to their death.  Racing facilities are a wild card as well.  Harder to predict with the all-encompassing noise levels. This could certainly factor into adding to the level of confusion.  Many wear ear protection, thus further augmenting the problem.  A Nascar race in progress is in the 130-140 decibel range.  

        B.  concern of the likelihood of a viral blitzkrieg (definition)

viral blitzkrieg definition - a bombardment and exponential spread of panic inducing messages via electronic social media platforms.

The viral blitzkrieg easily represents my greatest degree of concern.  There is no necessity for professional hacking expertise or a sophisticated comprehension of telecommunications systems and the internet.  Just simply overwhelm  an entire region with panic inducing messages.  Text messages, emails, social media, robocalls, retweets.  Sent to employees in the media (particularly news reporters), individuals in radio and print media, high profile local individuals, celebrities and politicians, stadium employees and first responders such as police and firefighters.  People in these occupations have a greater tendency to utilize smart phones.  You'd be putting bomb threat evacuation protocol in the hands of the general public.  These people should not be in a position to make critical decisions.  Their reactions would unknowingly become a course OF ACTION.   Remember, the dominipede is an event that unfolds in REAL-TIME, in the REAL-WORLD.  Furthermore, think of what would happen if two or more stampedes unfolded in real-time.  Think of the reaction from the public at-large witnessing this unusual phenomenon on live television.  Their likely response would be to alert friends and family in other stadiums.  Their message would be simple.  Something is terribly wrong.  Get out of there now.  There isn't a do-over.  There is no second chance.  An electronic retraction would be of little comfort to the victims - we've seen these things play out in the televised media especially in the last decade.

Gabby Giffords has been pronounced dead.

CONFIRMED: Rep. Giffords & 6 others shot dead!!
:00 - :12 - (we have reliable sources on capitol hill and NPR that she has died)
:54 - :56 - (Gabby Giffords is dead)

Rep. Gabrielle Giffords returns to the house
9:09 - 9:22 (Nancy Pelosi commenting about the courage and return of Gabby Giffords)

Gabrielle Giffords Speaks at Senate Judiciary Hearing on Gun Control
The time is now.  You must act.
1:18 - 1:24

As we all discovered, there's a big difference between being alive (reentering the halls of Congress, date) and being dead (Breaking News - Giffords has died, date).  But in this day and age, there's a rush to get the story first, at any cost.  When news unfolds in real time, people make mistakes.

Gore beats Bush - 2000 election night, excerpt from the movie Recount

CNN Supreme Court overturns Obamacare
Cable News Gaffe on Obamacare Supreme Court Ruling
The Colbert Report - 2012 - 28 - 06 - Video Clip, Comedy Central

:50 - 1:30

We've seen the big screw ups.

After all, you can always issue an apology later.  There once was a time when a journalistic source would feel great shame over releasing false information.  Nowadays, you just get a little blip apology.  At least in the print media (Dewey Beats Truman),

if its a big one, you get a retraction... the next day.

Now imagine a scenario when they're not even trying to discern the truth, they're simply reporting what is transpiring.  They're simply broadcasting the news.  If a dominipede occurs, you would witness the images unfold in real-time.  The facts and information, the complexity overload, causes and impetus surrounding the event would prove largely irrelevant.  The live broadcasts would unintentionally serve as an expedited weapons delivery system.  And for one moment, imagine the dynamic if tens of thousands of different cell phones are ringing and vibrating... and people are reacting.  All of a sudden, everyone simultaneously receiving panic laden information.

There seems to be this outdated 1950's-like understanding of evacuation protocol.  It assumes that the person issuing the threat will CALL it in DIRECTLY to the source.  That's a very obsolete way to approach emergency evacuation protocol in this day and age.  If you think about it, it's the modern day equivalent of children hiding under their desks during a nuclear attack.

Duck & Cover

3:05 - 3:18 (explanation of duck and cover in the event of an atomic bomb)

3:29 - 3:33 (2 kinds of attack, with warning & without warning)

6:12 - 6:15 ("it's a bomb" - duck and cover footage)
6:49 - 6:54 (atta boy, Tony.  That flash means act fact)
7:29 - 7:32 (school bus duck and cover)
7:49 - 7:52 (picnic lunch duck and cover)
8:47 - 8:52 (kids in the hallway, "you're on your own")

There's an unwillingness to discuss the indiscussable.  There's the same mentality, same disconnect with stuff that happened a half century ago. 

Military theorist John Boyd is recognized as the founder of OODA (observe, orient, decide, act) loops.

OODA loops are everywhere - counterinsurgency strategies, in business, whether to go to the movies or stay at home, the decision to watch this dvd.

When OODA loop are severely compromised or nullified, that's really what makes a terrorist attack successful.

And these days, everything unfolds as breaking news (a second snippet thunder/lightning snippet)

        C.  likelihood of malicious intent progression

If a group or individual was intent on deliberately executing an AGS, they would likely gravitate toward the dominipede.  I think it's obvious that someone with this type of insidious, malicious intent would seek to inflict the heavy casualties.  It's called maximum impact or getting the most "bang for your buck."  It's the same reason our country builds more powerful bombs

BLU - 82 Daisy Cutter
Daisy Cutter -- Extermination on the move
:45 - :50

Or the infamous bunker buster bombs you might have heard about that would neutralize Iran's underground nuclear facilities.

Bunker Buster bomb
Bunker Buster Bomb in action
:00 - :08 (explosion)
:22 - :24 (the result)

 If you think about it, it's the same reason a suicide bomber will cover himself with rat poison and nails.  Making the matter considerably worse, in the case of the dominipede, money and death are not determining factors or considerations for the individuals(s) executing the attack.

        D.  Precedent 

Society does not remain stagnant.  9/11 set a precedent.  Everyone always knew that planes could be used to attack large buildings, but until that moment, humanity thought of hijacking in terms of demanding ransom or airing a grievance.  That quickly changed.  Humanity already knows that cell phone messages can create a panic.  And it has already transpired countless times, but we haven't yet experienced that calamitous tipping point.

But I refuse to accept the retroactive mindset.  This time, the stakes are way too high.  People do not have to needlessly die in order for the government to act.  With regard to the dominipede, it's necessary to break with the traditional big government retroactive approach because the potential result, the dominipede, is cataclysmic.  We must set a new precedent.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

2,11 (cell phone culture)

G.    The cell phone culture:       

I just sent myself a Woof (The Office)
:00 - :33

When mentioning the other triggers, I neglected to state the most obvious.  Neglected to mention the utter reliance and addiction to cell phones and cellular technology.  The culture. (cell phone zombie apocalypse).  Likely to get worse.  Seems to be trending in that direction.  Greater interconnectedness, not less.

2,10 (ineffectiveness of government)

F.    Ineffectiveness of govt. in dealing with the problem:

2008 Homeland security doc on stadium evacuation.
Misspellings and obsession with non-issues.  Basically 77 pages of stating the painfully obvious.  Outlining every potential problem imaginable, including "mayonaise" left out in the sun at the "concessation" stand.  Every issue including the "Accidential" release of chemical, radiological and biological weapons.  Shouldn't these be classified as intentional.  Everything seems to be on the table except the most pressing one, the potential for stampedes and the evisceration of emergency evacuation protocol.  Then again, that would likely open up a can of worms.  It would necessitate exploring more challenging concepts and result in a much longer report.  And most important, it's an admission of a problem that requires a universal solution.

It would also seem that there may be a reluctance to confront this issue directly for fear of being accused of trying to stoke a culture of fear and paranoia.  Many claim the United States government is drifting toward a police state.  Such a decision, could be interpreted by the general public as a move in that direction.  There could very well be a public outcry, and if there was, it would be understandable.  But considering what's at stake, I believe this to be a reasonable from a cost/benefit perspective.

2,9 (generational warfare)

E.    historical progression of recent events: 

In global terrorism, there is a trend toward economic systemic disruptions and spectacular events that visually resonate.  There's also a rise in declining transaction costs as was evidenced in 9/11.  Less than an estimated $250,000.  For the cost of a nice house, reverberations in the trillions with regard to war, a massive govt. reorganization and the launch of the Dept. of Homeland Security.  It will happen because it can happen.  In my mind, there's an inevitability to this because as unpleasant as this might sound, it's a cheap way to kill innocents and instill fear in the population at large.  Contrary to popular belief, people do fight back.  Think about the retaliatory ideas someone might have if their children were killed in a drone strike.  Think about it from different perspectives.  Warfare evolves and goes through phases.

Indiscriminate killing of civilians without weapons represents a dangerous evolution in generational warfare.  As the largest manufacturer and distributor of military hardware, it's incredibly unlikely the United States government would acknowledge the AGS, let alone the dominipede.  It runs absolutely juxtaposed to the entire model of our defense industry.  Also, since there's virtually no money to be had, there's even less incentive to raise the issue.  Furthermore, and most important, if you acknowledge it, you own it.  And if it happens on your watch, your administration would get the blame. 

2,8 (herding instincts)

D.    herding instincts:

W.D. Hamilton's Selfish herd theory - the desire to congregate toward the center mass.  Mostly based on survival and predation instincts.  

Colonies of ants (need footage)

ants digging tunnels 900x life speed
4:16 - 4:32

overlap Dave Matthews Band - Ants Marching (Central Park concert)!
AUDIO - 2:08 - 2:22 (crowd sings the lines)

Flocks of birds
AUDIO - Phish - Birds of a Feather (are flocking outside)

300,000 birds
:45 - :53 (massive Starling migration)

Schools of fish
Oceans - Fish Frenzy
I'll admit.  That one was computer generated.  But it does make you think about response mechanisms.
:26 - :33

There's a reason for the variety of terms.  It's because human herding instincts are part of the evolutionary process, consistent in all life forms, even bacteria.  Migration of the wildebeest on the Masai Mara.  I've witnessed it first hand.

The Great Migration of the Animal's in Serngeti 480P
29:24 - 29:30 (pushing and shoving in the river)
31:15 - 31:23 (one plunges off the cliff)

Even with accurate information, peoples ability to make rational decisions are still compromised and overridden by the herding instincts.  

2,7 (text message is a trigger, gun comparison)

C.    a text message is just another trigger.  nothing more, nothing less

There has been much talk about guns these days.  Sometimes guns malfunction.

Assassination attempt against Bulgarian politician Ahmed Dogan
:28 - :33

Sometimes they don't.

Political Suicide Budd Dwyer
:37 - possibly to near the duration to 1:13

Think of a cell phone as a weapon.  A gun.  Think of a text message as a bullet.  Now picture tens of thousands of phones and tens of thousands of messages.  (Roger Waters - Rapid machine gun fire).

The Wall (HD) - Movie by Roger Waters
5:50 - 6:24

Roger Waters - Machine Gun - The Wall at Verizon Center, Washington, DC on Vimeo
:04 - :11

Outside The Wall & In The Flesh?.  Roger Waters live concert Pittsburgh PA 7-3-2012 (plane crash)
5:20 - 5:25

I've already touched on the variety of triggers that induce panic.  I do think it's critical to understand that this is a universal, human concept.  Although most major stampedes occur at religious festivals and sporting events with a concentration in Europe, Africa, and Asia, stampedes are fundamentally a human problem.  When it comes to stadiums seating, some people will wrongfully try to convince you that the problem revolves around general admission vs. an assigned seating approach.  This has no legitimate bearing on the ability to induce panic.  I suspect, since stampedes in the U.S. are less frequent, there also might be a general "Americans aren't as susceptible to panic like other cultures" consensus.  I strongly believe this to be erroneous. 

Crowd panic and stampede at a rave party in Los Angeles
excerpts from June 29, 2010

:11 - :28 (screams)
1:21 - 1:32 (bloody girl)
1:36 - 1:43 (motionless man)

If anything, we are a paranoid, yet strangely complacent culture with a high degree and obsession with technological interconnectivity- this would lead me to believe that we're very susceptible to an AGS.