Monday, February 25, 2013

3,8 (other examples of an AGS)

Once again, I must reiterate... Is it acceptable for some people to die, in order for there to be change?  Sadly enough, and I hate to admit this, maybe an isolated artificially generated stampede is what must happen for there to be change.  But the dominipede is not an acceptable outcome.

Even after all of this, you might be thinking... Well, I've never seen an artificially generated stampede.  I still need more evidence.  Well, think about this... somewhere an AGS is happening right now... just as you're watching this documentary.  Fear and greed are 2 emotions that will always dominate the financial markets. 

The Great 1929 Wall Street Stock Market Crash (panicked wall street traders)
6:28 - 6:41

MGEX - The final minute of trading in the pits, forever (small group of traders)
:25 - :38

CBOT Trading Soybean market pit trading (good phone ring at the beginning)
1:12 - 1:26

I thought soybeans were supposed to be good for you.  Perhaps not the future of soybeans.

Opening Bell at the MGEX Trading Floor (good reaction footage of shushing segueing into the bell)
:50 - :54

Maybe you need something bigger...

The Best Flash Mob Ever in NYC
3:14 - 3:25 (flashlight battle in Central Park)

Good thing those flashlights aren't cell phones.

Will I Am Blackberry commercial - put your cellphones up in the air
1:03 - 1:16

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