Wednesday, February 6, 2013

1,2 (power and superempowerment)

The U.S. claims to be the most powerful country on the planet. 

We even have a name for it.  We call ourselves the superpower. 

 One thing's for sure.  When you're the head honcho,

someone always wants to bring you down.

It's happening as we speak.  Externally and internally. 

There's this constant struggle.  It's called balance.

Superman versus Lex Luthor
:15 - 1:20 (Superman being neutralized by Lex Luthor, close with Superman being pushed into the pool)

And that competition for power extends right down to us mere mortals.  Sometimes it's good vs. evil.  But usually it's just not that simple.  There are shades of gray.  Maybe it's that quest for power that leads us to do crazy things.  For some strange reason, everyone wants to be at the top of the food chain.  That's just the way it has always been.  People long to be wealthy and famous, revered and respected... and most important... in a position of control. 

They search for power... political, economic, military, spiritual.  At times, it seems insatiable.

Some people seek to acquire power from the masses...

Obama sings Al Green: The Short Version
0:00 - :11 ("I'm.... so in love with you")
Sometimes power is demonstrated through military action

CNN: Inside the raid that killed Osama Bin Laden
1:59 - 2:13 (animated reenactment of invading the Abottobad compound)

Some people will do anything to regain the ground they've lost...

Rachel Maddow: Touched By A Televangelist (With Infidelity Matrix)
3:05 - 3:09 (Swaggart crying "forgive me, I have sinned")
Some power trips are all about money and ego...

Donald Trump: 'Your fired' remix
:03 - :06 (multiple "Dennis, you're fired")

"So CooL SoCool Apprentice Hope Youre Fired $2 Bill DOUBLE IT! (Donald Trum)
1:39 - 1:45 (delayed beat)
AUDIO only

where others deal with purpose and secrecy...

Anonymous - Message To The American People
4:56 - 5:09 (Anonymous comments regarding censorship)

And if that's not confusing enough... some people, even have a desire to superempower themselves.  They seek to do things that have never been done before.  It may sound crazy, but some people actually think they can change the world.

Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott
2:19 - 2:23 ("Why they always pushing us around")

Obama Helps Unveil Rosa Parks Statue
1:14 - 1:25
"And in a single moment, with the simplest of gestures.  She helped change America and change the world.  Rosa Parks would not be pushed."

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